Glow for it, make it happen

For the soulful Woman here to impact the world and redefine what it means to be rich

Choose your experience


Unapologetically Extra is for the woman who knows she was born for more.
Where brilliance meets business, strategy + soul. Stand fully in your power + unleash your purpose led empire.


Elevate is for the woman who wants it all and knows she’s going to get it.
You’re ready to choose yourself, elevate your business + life, and scale to 6+ figures.


Midas Touch is for the CEO and entrepreneur who always knew she was going to run the show.
You’re ready to rise into multi 6-figures and have everything you touch turn to gold.

Crème de le crème

Premium One-on-One Mentoring

This space is exclusively designed for passionate, purpose driven women who are looking to curate their offer suite, become a magnet for elite soul mate clients and step into wealth mastery.

This is your chance to work one-on-one with Christine to receive the intimate support you desire so you can create the results you deserve.

With every woman having a completely unique story and goals, I will create a tailored experience that matches your vision.